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What is an Acoustic Fiberglass Board?

Acoustic Treatment
What is an Acoustic Fiberglass Board?

Acoustic fiberglass boards are a common item used and installed within buildings to help absorb sound. More specifically, when acoustic fiberglass boards are added to a room, occupants will hear less echoes than if the walls, floor and ceiling are bare. Figuring out how many acoustic boards/panels to install can be scientifically calculated with the help of an acoustic consultant or acoustician or, in a DIY type setting, boards can be put on the wall on a budget basis to make the room feel less ‘noisey.’ But what exactly are these boards? What is it made of and how is it made?


First, we need to take a step back and understand the consistency or the make up of the fiberglass used. The easiest way to get a better understanding is to know that acoustic boards are a type of insulation, the same ‘stuff’ that is in home attics is made of the same type of fiberglass. Without getting too technical, think of fiberglass insulation as simply glass fibers that look like tiny hairs that are a few millimeters long combined with a glue. Cotton candy is a good visual to get an idea of what the fiberglass looks like at the factory. With this cotton candy like mix, a manufacturer will spray a certain amount on a conveyor belt before pressing it to reach a predetermined thickness. Sounds simple right? That’s because it is! From here, a manufacturer can spray more of the mix for a thicker board, or less of the mix for a thinner board. (More on this in another post) So, whether you are looking at fluffy 4” thick insulation for an attic, or a 1” acoustic board, the two types of insulation were made the same way.

SilentFiber 2x4 Fiberglass Acoustic Panels

‘But the acoustic board seems rigid and the attic insulation is pillowy!’


That is correct, and this is where things start to differentiate. Attic insulation does absorb sound, although as mentioned, it is fluffy and if we tried to cover it up, it would probably look like you have pillows on your walls and not everyone likes that look. Enter the acoustic board, a denser ‘board’ that is handled the same way plywood or drywall is handled. You can’t roll it or fold it up, and is shipped in sheets flat in a box or pallet. These boards are denser (i.e. more fiberglass and glue compressed) than thermal insulation so it can ‘absorb’ more sound and lends itself to a cleaner look when hung on a wall. Along with that, being a harder board, it is easier for fabric to be applied so occupants will have  something nice on the wall instead of bare yellow fiberglass. Fabrics will also help contain any glass fibers although that is a very rare occurrence.


‘But I found a place that sells insulation board, can I use that to make my own acoustic panels?’


Theoretically yes you can although Insulation board or IB tends to be less dense and not easy to wrap with fabrics. Acoustic fiberglass board will have a smooth flat face that will help the fabric lay flat so once it is installed on the wall, you have a nice fabric finish without a lumpy look. The smooth face is the real giveaway that the fiberglass board is an acoustic board and why these boards tend to have a higher price than standard insulation board.
